Three Ways to Get Customer Feedback that Drives Change

Three Ways to Get Customer Feedback that Drives Change

It’s no question that customer feedback is important for any company to gather, but how do you ensure customers feel compelled to give it? Simple — the payoff must be as good as the time they spend providing you with the input.Here at Egnyte, the feedback we receive helps us enhance the products and services we provide our customers. We gather it in a number of different ways in order to improve the customer experience for the short and long term.1) Focus on a Few Questions, Ask Regularly. — We survey our customers on a quarterly basis. The survey consists of three questions. First, we ask customers to rate how likely they are to recommend Egnyte to a friend or colleague on a scale of 0-10. The result is known as the Net Promoter Score. In addition, we include two free text fields for specific suggestions for product and service improvements.2) Happy Customers Have Insights, Too. — It’s important not to forget about your happy customers. They may still have suggestions for improvement even when they are satisfied. Take note of both positive and negative feedback in order to make the most impactful changes. The most powerful part of any survey is what you do with the results. We take immediate action to address low scores by following up with customers directly. We gather more detailed feedback this way and set the customer on a path for success.3) Keep Customers Informed, Details Matter. — Last, but not least, keep your customers engaged by showing them what you’ve improved based on their feedback. When customers know you’re listening, they will continue to provide feedback.At Egnyte, customer feedback is not getting lost in the cloud. We're excited to share some of the product enhancements we've made as a result of our last customer survey:● Integrations with Microsoft Office 365 give you the ability to open Egnyte files directly from Microsoft Office Online for viewing and editing. Changes are saved back to Egnyte automatically. This includes web access through Microsoft Office Online,desktop access through deep integrations within all of the Office tools, and from mobile devices for users on the go.● Desktop Sync now supports instant sync (or "real-time" sync) while a file is still open. All changes, as soon as they are saved are automatically synced.● An easy to use interface is important and we have made several changes you'll enjoy:○ Visual EnhancementsNew Login FlowFile Info Dialog● For Egnyte Administrators, managing deleted files is now easier with the ability torestore permissions when a folder is restored from the trash.For a full list of enhancements and to keep up with future enhancements, subscribe to ourNewsletter and check out the ‘What’s New’ section on our Helpdesk.

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